Romanzi di Magic

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00lunedì 5 maggio 2003 12:57
Mi sembra opportuno dare spazio anche ad una piccola parte di narrativa su Magic.Io non ne so molto di storie sul gioco,ma vorrei che in questo topic si raccontassero le trame dei romanzi delle varie espansioni uscite,e magari anche rimandare anche a qualche link sul tema(possibilmente in italiano).

Alonzo Ruppetti
00domenica 14 settembre 2003 23:33
Scrivo qua per non aprire un nuovo topic: vorrei costruire un'ambientazione fantasy basandomi sulle milioni di informazioni contenute nelle carte di magic, a livello di posti, creature, magie etc. Vorrei sapere se esiste qualche sito internet dove sono raccolte informazioni generiche sull'universo di Magic da poter sfruttare in questo senso.
00lunedì 15 settembre 2003 01:47
Sul sito della Wizards qualcosa dovresti trovare. Poi ci sono i libri in inglese di è stato tradotto 1 solo libro che narra la guerra fra i due fratelli Urza e Mishra.
CMQ per quanto riguarda l'universo in cui si svolge Magic dovrebbe essere composto a piani come D&D.
La cosa interessa anche a me. Se trovi qualche info sul mondo postala.
Qualcuno sa dove posso recuperare i libri di Magic in inglese?

00lunedì 15 settembre 2003 02:00
Questa è una lista divisa per ciclo di tutto il materiale cartaceo pubblicato su magic (i romanzi) fino ad aprile 2003:

Artifacts Cycle
Stock# Title
TSR08734 The Brothers' War (Tradotto anche in italiano)
TSR08732 Planeswalker
TSR21344 Time Streams
TSR21380 Bloodlines

The Thran
Stock# Title
TSR21600 The Thran

Masquerade Cycle
Stock# Title
TSR08733 Mercadian Masques
TSR21559 Nemesis
TSR21570 Prophecy

Ice Age Cycle
Stock# Title
TSR21357 The Gathering Dark
TSR21802 The Eternal Ice
TSR21403 The Shattered Alliance

Invasion Cycle
Stock# Title
TSR21438 Invasion
TSR21562 Planeshift
WTC21880 Apocalypse

Legends Cycle
Stock# Title
TSR21803 Johan
WTC21907 Jedit
886150000 Hazezon

Odyssey Cycle
Stock# Title
WTC21900 Odyssey
885440000 Chainer's Torment
886030000 Judgment

Onslaught Cycle
Stock# Title
886180000 Onslaught
178510000 Legions

Magic Legends Cycle Two
Stock# Title
886270000 Assassin's Blade
178760000 Emperor's Fist

Stock# Title
TSR08731 Rath and Storm
TSR21323 The Colors of Magic
TSR21529 The Myths of Magic
WTC21872 The Dragons of Magic
885520000 The Secrets of Magic

Non so quali altri libri sono usciti dopo, il sito della WOTC è famoso per essere il più incasinato della rete dove trovare un'informazione è una caccia al tesoro (almeno nella sezione Magic).
00lunedì 15 settembre 2003 02:02
Maghi famosi di Magic
Barrin: Barrin was Urza's sidekick and teacher at the Tolarian Academy for Artificers and "Special" students. Barrin was the dean and headmaster of the island school. He put up with perhaps the most insufferable character in the Magic universe for longer than anyone could have expected. Even up to the very end he did it with a degree of professionalism and tact that is to this day unmatched in the Multiverse. But Barrin gets a bad rap. He played second fiddle to the most powerful being ever created. His own skills and talents went largely overlooked. In truth, Barrin may have been the most powerful nonplaneswalker in Dominia -- second only perhaps to Yawgmoth himself. I'll admit, there's a soft spot in my heart for the old guy. He never fully had his chance to shine, and his contributions to Dominarian history are completely immeasurable. In a sense, Barrin was Dominaria's greatest babysitter. He provided the voice of sane reason for Urza's insane mind. If it hadn't been for him, who knows how many disasters the crazy planeswalker would have created. It's amazing he didn't blow up the world long before the Phyrexian invasion. Any semblance of civilization left on Dominaria today owes its existence to this gray-bearded man.

Chainer: Chainer was a fighter first and a spellcaster second. You might even say he was a showman first, and everything else second. Having started out in the pits of Cabal City, Chainer used his magical prowess to summon creatures to fight for him in gladiatorial battles before the roaring crowds. His unorthodox style of dementia summoning brought him greater and greater power. Eventually, with the help of the Mirari, Chainer went mad with power -- and he very nearly destroyed the entire world with his nightmare creatures. Though some would look upon this powerful black mage as one of the great villains of history (and they would be right), his sheer magical might has to be admired. It's not often that a single man can change the face of a world -- for good or for evil. Who knows what he could have accomplished had he used his powers to create rather than destroy.

Ertai: Ertai's story is one of tragedy. He was one of the more promising students at Urza's Tolarian Academy -- and he knew it. His cockiness and arrogance were matched only by his skill with blue magic. Ertai never had the opportunity to become a truly great mage (he didn't live long enough), but he did still have an impact on the history of Dominaria. In an uncharacteristically unselfish move, Ertai sacrificed himself to open a portal and allow the Weatherlight and its crew to escape from the evil plane -- while he was left behind. If the ship had not escaped, it is conceivable that the eventual invasion of Dominaria by Yawgmoth and his Phyrexian horde would have been successful. The world of Magic as we know it might not exist.

Jodah: At the heart of the game of Magic is the color wheel. Any good player will tell you that to win, you have to utilize the different colors to your advantage. There is no one card that can consistently win a game for you. (If there were, it wouldn't be much of a game then, would it?) But there are combinations of cards, often times crossing color boundaries, that can put you on top very quickly. Mastering these combinations is the key to winning, and a good spellcaster knows how to win with all five colors. In the story world, Jodah is the quintessential five-color mage. He started out being able to channel only white mana. Because of an accident in which he nearly drowned in the Fountain of Youth, Jodah was gifted with unusually long life for a mortal, giving him the time to explore the other colors and eventually master them all. Though he was born during the Dark Ages of Dominaria (more than six thousand years ago), it is rumored that Jodah is still alive today. Maybe you'll see him in an upcoming novel.

Kamahl: Though known more for his fighting prowess than his magic, Khamahl embodied the essence of the Magic: The Gathering universe. By bringing his magic into the fighting arena with him, the barbarian combined not only martial combat with martial spellcasting, but he also took full advantage of artifacts as well. It's hard to say if Khamahl would be a noteworthy character in Dominarian history if he hadn't won the Mirari. That powerful, uncontrollable artifact set in motion a series of events that changed the face of Otaria, pitting each faction against another and creating a civil war.

Laquatus: To my mind, Laquatus is the one guy on Dominaria you most love to hate. He was the Cephalid empire's ambassador to Cabal City (and to the rest of the drylanders as well). But he had designs on power, and he worked tirelessly to get it for himself. Though Laquatus was a skilled mage, he was perhaps an even more powerful orator and salesman. A master of deception and the double-cross, Laquatus's plans to acquire the Mirari were indirectly responsible for the chaos on the continent of Otaria, which would eventually lead to all-out war. It's safe to say the world would have been a better place without him.

Mairsil: Though his intentions were not so good, and in his heart he was an evil man, Mairsil held onto the power of magic when the rest of the world was prepared to let it go forever. He was the headmaster of the Citadel. Though the famed (if the legends can be believed) City of Shadows existed at the same time, Mairsil did play a roll in keeping magic alive during the Dark Ages. Had it not been for him and the mages in the City, it is conceivable that the church would have succeeded in wiping out all of the arcane arts. Dominaria would be a world of the mundane and nonmagical.

Multani: Is it cheating to include a nature spirit on this list? He is not a planeswalker. But he's not exactly mortal. He doesn't really fit in anywhere. Poor fella. Needless to say, the big green guy (who could create a new physical body from any sort of vegetation, dead or alive, and could slip effortlessly from one form to another) played a significant role in saving the world from the Phyrexian menace. Multani was everywhere at once. Crossing oceans and continents to be in the thick of battle, he rallied the Yavimayan forest to arms and slipped inside the living hull of the Weatherlight to fight on the front lines. Multani's spirit lives on today, and he still stands guard over the world and her creatures.

Orim: Orim is perhaps the most well-known and accomplished healer in the history of Magic: The Gathering. Using primarily white magic (as you would expect from a healer), Orim took the art of defensive and restorative magic to new heights. Her greatest achievement was no doubt the development of the cures for the Phyrexian-spread plagues. Finding antidotes for the hell-spawned diseases would have been accomplishment enough, but what makes this feat even greater is that Orim didn't have the luxury of a well-staffed research facility or an army of assistant spellcasters. No, Orim fought off the Phyrexians and the plague they brought at the same time. Laboring long hours in the depths of the flying ship Weatherlight, racing to find a cure, she also found the time to come topside and man the ship's guns, fighting off invading Phyrexians between patients.

00lunedì 15 settembre 2003 02:03
I Planeswalker
Il mondo di magic è un multiverso come quello di D&D.
Rispetto ai planeswalker che girano tra Sigil e dintorni i planeswalker di magic sono molto più simili a delle semidivinità. Questa è la situazione attuale. Una nota: la Weatherlight o Cavalcavento è una delle 2 più grosse living ships (navi viventi) e il suo equipaggio è protagonista di molti dei romanzi di magic.

Let's talk about planeswalkers.

Strange creatures, these folk. With just a thought they can step between worlds, cover great distances in the blink of an eye, then return before you even knew they were gone. But beyond this wondrous and unique power, they are also capable spellcasters, powerful fighters, master shapechangers, and mad-scientist inventors.

As different as grains of sand on a beach, these super-powerful beings share two things. The first is the "Spark," or that exceptional things that sets them apart from the rest of the creatures in the multiverse and makes them capable of ascending to a station just below that of a god. If you have it, then you can become a planeswalker. If you don't, then you can't. It's as simple as that.

The second is a seed of madness. Planeswalkers vary in power level and in their shades of insanity. Some are quite functional and interact with mortal beings without causing too much harm. Others, namely Urza, are like mammoths who don't know how large they really are and accidentally step on everything and squash it to a pulp.

Here's a list of some of the most prominent planeswalkers in Dominarian history and what they're up to -- or when they got the axe.

Bo Levar: Dead. He was a cigar smuggler and boat captain. When still mortal, Bo Levar ran a corsair from the continent of Terisiare to all points abroad. He was caught in the blast at the end of the Brothers' War and ascended shortly thereafter -- almost at the same time as Urza. While he was alive, he had been known to keep company with the merfolk in the Eliterates artists' colony and also with traders and pirates of Mercadia and Urborg. At the end of the invasion, he sacrificed himself to save his merfolk friends, and to this day they sing songs and recite poems about his bushy goatee and his famous, underwater-burning cigars.

Daria: Dead. Daria was Taysir's daughter. She accompanied Urza's crusaders into the depths of Phyrexia. Though she was quite powerful, she was betrayed by Tevesh Szat, and she died before they set off even the first soul bomb.

Dyfed: Dead. Dyfed was the mysterious planeswalker who allied with Yawgmoth when he betrayed the Thran people and created a disease to control the population. It was Dyfed who showed Yawgmoth new worlds, including Mercadia. She eventually facilitated Yawgmoth's move to Phyrexia by helping him create a planar gate. Yawgmoth betrayed her, though, and in an attempt to remove her planeswalker spark, the ruler of Phyrexia killed her by cutting her into little bits and taking her apart piece by piece.

Freyalise: Alive. Though she is not really a goddess, many of the elves worship her as one. She brought about the end of the long Dominarian Ice Age and participated in the assault on Phyrexia with Urza and his gang. She is currently out playing around in the multiverse, though she is known to stop by to visits the elves in Keld now and again.

Glacian: Dead. He was the genius whose inventions provided the basis of the Thran's rise to greatness. He left his mark on Dominaria by developing and creating the mana rig at Shiv, which provided the technology and the Thran metal to build such things as the fittings for the living ship Weatherlight and the Null Moon itself. Though he never ascended in traditional form, his essence was transferred into the Might- and Weak- stones, where he lived out the rest of his days. When these stones were fused into Urza's head, it was Glacian's voice constantly tormenting the already half-crazed planeswalker that drove Urza to the brink time and time again.

Guff, Commodore: Dead. Commodore Guff was the keeper of the great libraries and a fiction writer extraordinaire. Had he realized the true extent of his power, Commodore Guff could have been the most powerful being Dominia had ever seen. But instead of turning to evil, he used his powers only for good. He sacrificed himself at the end of the Phyrexian invasion in order to save the plane. He was swallowed by the great black cloud of Yawgmoth as he erased his history books and revised the ending of the world.

Karn: Alive. The metal man ascended in the climactic moment that ended the Phyrexian invasion. One of the most recent ascensions, Karn is still in his infancy as a planeswalker. He created a plane of his own, made entirely of metal, and he is out exploring the sights and still discovering how to use his new powers.

Taysir: Dead. Until his death, Taysir was the oldest, perhaps most powerful planeswalker to ever live. He perished in the bowels of Phyrexia along with his daughter.

Teferi: Alive. Teferi attended Urza's wizards' school on Tolaria. Though he is perhaps the most even-tempered and socially well-mannered (and adjusted) planeswalker the multiverse has ever seen, he had without a doubt the most painful and traumatic ascension of all. Caught in the blast when Urza's time machine experiment went haywire, Teferi was trapped in a slow-time bubble for nearly forty years. Worse, that entire time, he was on fire, living through the horror of the explosion in slow-time for four full decades. When the invasion hit, he phased a large portion of the continent Jamuraa and the land of Shiv to another time, saving them from Yawgmoth. He resides there now.

Tevash Szat: Dead. Tevash Szat was the black dragon lord. Completely evil, he betrayed several of the other planeswalkers who aided Urza during the assault on Phyrexia. Unfortunately for Szat, Urza had anticipated his deception, and he killed the dragon planeswalker by using Tevash's evil essence to fuel the soul bombs that were to be used to destroy Yawgmoth's world.

Urza: Dead. Definitely the most written about, perhaps the most loathsome, and arguably the most important planeswalker in Magic history, Urza has been many things to many people. His story is too long and involved to cover it all in summary, but if there is one thing that sets him apart from the others, it's his 4,000 year long obsession with Yawgmoth and the eventual invasion of Dominaria. For all of his madness and all the trouble he caused to mortal people, he redeemed himself at the end of the Phyrexian invasion by sacrificing himself to blast Yawgmoth and his Phyrexian plague from the world, saving those few who survived the year-long onslaught.

Weatherlight: Dead. It's planeshifting matrix gave the great living ship the power to move from one plane to the next. When Urza sacrificed himself to save Dominaria -- as was typical -- he caused a heap of collateral damage. The blast that burned the scourge from the plane also killed the living spirit of Weatherlight.

Windgrace, Lord: Alive. Lord Windgrace's favorite form was a giant, jet black panther. Since Teferi did not take part, Lord Windgrace was the most well-adjusted planeswalker among those who invaded Phyrexia. His exact whereabouts are unknown, but he was last seen in Hurloon among the minotaurs.

But not everyone of importance in Dominarian history was a planeswalker. Rumors abound about those powerful mortals who have accomplished so much that they were thought to be more than just men. Urza's brother, Mishra, and the dark lord Yawgmoth are among those.

Mishra: Dead? At the end of the Brothers' War, the Phyrexian demon Gix seduced Mishra. He offered him power, and the weak mortal man took all he could carry. Mishra did in fact travel to Phyrexia -- as did many nonplaneswalkers throughout history -- and he was given many physical, metal enhancements by the vat priests. But never did this one ascend. During the Phyrexian invasion of Dominaria, Urza descended deep into Phyrexia itself. When he neared the core, he found a creature bound to a stone, his skin being flayed from his body -- forever being tortured by the dark lord Yawgmoth. To Urza, this man looked like Mishra. Indeed, he knew only things that Mishra could have known. But instead of rescuing Mishra, Urza moved on to find Yawgmoth, so we will never know for sure if what he saw was really his brother, or a figment of his tormented imagination.

Yawgmoth: Dead? Though the dark lord wanted more than anything the power to ascend and become a godlike planeswalker, he never had the spark. But for a mortal, he accomplished feats that even some planeswalkers could not. To this day, his whereabouts are not fully known. Some say that he died when that blast of holy white mana, focused through the flying ship Weatherlight, struck him down and forced him from Dominaria. But no one can say with utter certainty whether he lived or died.
"Valar Morghulis"

[Modificato da DiablotheTremere 15/09/2003 2.05]

[Modificato da DiablotheTremere 15/09/2003 2.08]

[Modificato da DiablotheTremere 15/09/2003 2.09]

Alonzo Ruppetti
00lunedì 15 settembre 2003 10:27
Azzo, non mi aspettavo già delle risposte. Grazie mille, intanto metto in cantiere.

P.S. quel libro pubblicato in Italia, non è che dentro ha una mappa, come molti libri fantasy?
00lunedì 15 settembre 2003 12:35
Non credo è già un miracolo se l'hanno pubblicato.

00lunedì 15 settembre 2003 22:40
Equipaggio della Cavalcavento nella Tempesta:

1)Gerrard captains the Weatherlight on its mission to Volrath's stronghold in the shadow plane of Rath. Once a master of arms in Benalia, Gerrard is heir to the Legacy, a collection of artifacts that has the power to stop the collective might of the evincars. The impetuous Gerrard has already abandoned his destiny once before by leaving the ship, but now that his friend and mentor Sisay has been abducted, he's agreed to lead the crew on a rescue mission. Gerrard is 26 years old, and his quick reflexes and athletic build are supplemented by advanced combat training. His charisma and sharp wit make him a natural leader, but his impulsive streak makes some of the crew wary of his command.

2)Hanna, the 25-year-old resident artificer and Weatherlight navigator, is responsible for advising the captain on the ship's nature and its most valuable cargo, the Legacy. Educated in artifact studies at the legendary Argivian University, Hanna is also a capable commander, respected by the crew for her quick-witted initiative and inventiveness. Some years ago she and Gerrard were briefly lovers, but since his return to the ship, the pair have been decidedly formal. When not holding command, Hanna is usually quiet and calm, with a natural shyness that some mistake for coldness. Her commitment to the Legacy is as great as her love of the Weatherlight.

3)The cat warrior Mirri was abandoned by her kind during her youth. Now as an adult, she struggles to find a secure place in the world, which she hopes to find in the companionship of her best friend Gerrard. Mirri is an excellent fighter--powerful, dexterous, and quick--but her impetuosity and overconfidence have landed her in some dangerous situations. She relies more on her claws and great agility than on her sword. On the Weatherlight, she serves as Gerrard's lieutenant, which causes friction between her and the official first mate, Tahngarth. In all the years since they trained under the maro-sorcerer Multani, Mirri has never let Gerrard down.

4)Tahngarth, a young (20 years old) Talruum minotaur, is a towering mass of strength and, it must be admitted, vanity. Gruff and impatient, he is the Weatherlight's first mate under Sisay, a position he shared with Gerrard for a time. Now Gerrard has returned as the ship's captain, and Tahngarth serves his new commander in the same capacity, but doubts whether the roguish human has either the commitment or the skill to lead the crew. Nevertheless, Tahngarth is an excellent second-in-command, and is respected as the crew's armsmaster. He is formidable in combat--powerful and extremely fast given his massive size.

5)Karn is a silver golem, a massive artifact creature thousands of years old. Despite his astounding physical strength, Karn is a pacifist; years ago he killed an innocent man in a burst of anger, and has sworn never to take another life. He is both the vessel for many Legacy artifacts (via an internal compartment) and is part of the Legacy himself. Entrusted to Gerrard years ago, he is unswervingly loyal to him, though he regrets his master's ambivalence toward the Legacy and his destiny. Karn is fascinated with the workings of the Weatherlight and believes, perhaps correctly, that he can communicate with the ship in unknown ways.

6)The 37-year-old Crovax is an Urborg noble who lost his entire family to agents of Volrath. He has rejoined the Weatherlight crew to seek Selenia, his family's guardian angel, whose sudden absence allowed Volrath's minions to slaughter Crovax's loved ones. He pursues the angel out of a strange passion that's part love and part revenge. Crovax blames himself for his family's deaths, and has begun to brood darkly among his shipmates. He assists with the ship's machinery, but is not well-liked by most of the crew, both because of his silence and his aristocratic manner.

7)Orim is the ship's healer and quartermaster; she handles the day-to-day running of the ship, from keeping an eye on its stores to making sure each sailor is paid at landfall. Although Orim has a slight manner and seems at times to be older than most of the other crewmembers, in reality she is only 25, and hides her beauty and vivacity under an aura of calm and caring. She is adept in Samite-order medicinal skills and also acts as the Weatherlight's interpreter because of her ability with languages. Though she is very giving, Orim keeps many of her views to herself, believing that there is peace in silence.

8)As an apprentice of Hanna's father Barrin, Ertai learned a great deal of magic; his skills, however, are completely untried. When Barrin recommended that the nineteen-year-old join the Weatherlight crew to help them reach Rath, he quickly agreed. But now the arrogant young man is called on to display his prowess time and again, and though Ertai secretly suspects he may not know quite as much as he thought he did, his pride will never let him admit it to his comrades.

9)An intellectual giant--for a goblin--Squee's natural curiosity balances his natural cowardice. After saving Sisay's life when his goblin tribe attacked her in the Kher Ridges, the 10-year-old Squee (the human equivalent of an adolescent) became infatuated by the Weatherlight and its captain. Exiled from his people, he accepted a position as cabin boy on the Weatherlight, a menial position that he carries out with great enthusiasm and much self-importance. Squee has some unusual traits for a goblin: he has an uncanny knack for survival, and has exhibited loyalty, ingenuity, and even bravery!

10)The 44-year-old Starke is a habitual game-player, and currently he's doing his best to play both sides against each other without being destroyed by either. Born on Rath, Starke is il-Vec--outcast from the Vec tribe for collaborating with Volrath. His secret marriage to an en-Dal woman resulted in his greatest pride, his daughter Takara. Because she is now imprisoned in Volrath's stronghold, Starke has joined Gerrard as a guide to rescue her, even though he himself betrayed Sisay to Volrath, and is terrified of the danger involved. Starke is as shifty as a sand dune and is loyal to no one except himself and Takara.

[Modificato da ZoddTheImmortal 15/09/2003 22.47]

00lunedì 15 settembre 2003 22:54
Dove l'hai trovato?! Ieri sera impazzivo per cercarlo (anche se in verità l'equipaggio della cavalcavento lo conosco a memoria).
00lunedì 15 settembre 2003 23:03

Scritto da: DiablotheTremere 15/09/2003 22.54
Dove l'hai trovato?! Ieri sera impazzivo per cercarlo (anche se in verità l'equipaggio della cavalcavento lo conosco a memoria).

Semplicemente sul sito della WOTC,sezione Magic.Il link è il seguente:
Ci sono anche Volrath e i suoi adepti e una descrizione sulla Cavalcavento e sulla Predatrice.Buona visione[SM=x77419]

00lunedì 15 settembre 2003 23:11
In effetti alla lista manca la mitica Sisay. CMQ questa descrizione risale ai tempi della trilogia Fortezza-Esodo-Tempesta (non ricordo l'ordine preciso) quando Sisay era prigioniera di Volrath (che a quel tempo deteneva il ruolo di Evincaro Dominante, titolo in seguito acquisito da Crovax) e l'equipaggio della Cavalcavento si era precipitato al salvataggio. Non ne sono sicuro ma credo che anche Tanghart fosse prigioniero.
Infatti dopo questa disavventura Tanghart era stato corrotto dagli esperimenti subiti su Rath. Nel ciclo di Mercadia però è stato fatto rinsavire.
CMQ tornando al discorso originale su Rath sono successe una marea di cose, prima fra tutte la completa trasformazione di Crovax. Qui non se ne parla ma Crovax era gravato da una maledizione. Nel momento in cui ha ucciso Selenia è stato completamente sopraffatto dalla maledizione. Lo ritroviamo infatti nel ciclo di Mercadia al comando degli Evincari, dopo aver preso il posto di Volrath.
In questa avventura la Cavalcavento ha perso anche un altro dei suoi membri, Ertai. Come descritto in qualche post precedente per far fuggire la Cavalcavento da Rath Ertai è rimasto indietro ed è finito prigioniero. In seguito all'alleanza con Phyrexia (e con Yawgmoth) Ertai è stato sottoposto a brutali esperimenti che l'hanno fatto diventare quello poi è diventato nel ciclo di Invasione.
Parlando invece di Sisay è lei l'effettivo comandante della Cavalcavento. Gerrard ne ha preso il posto solo nel ciclo di Rath.
CMQ attualmente non si sa nulla di eventuali superstiti dopo l'Apocalisse.
00lunedì 15 settembre 2003 23:31
Sul sito c'è una cronologia delle varie espansioni e dei vari romanzi calcolata dalla nascita di Urza.

Questo è l'ordine cronologico dei romanzi:

Brother's War (Artifact Cycle Book 1)
The Gathering Dark (Ice Age Book 1)
Planeswalker (Artifact Cycle Book 2)
Time Streams (Artifact Cycle Book 3)
Bloodlines (Artifact Cycle Book 4)
Rath And Storm
Mercadian Masques (Mercadian Cycle Book 1)
Nemesis (Mercadian Cycle Book 2)
Prophecy (Mercadian Cycle Book 3)
Invasion (Invasion Book 1)
Planeshift (Invasion Book 2)
Apocalypse (Invasion Book 3)
Da qui in poi finisce la serie della Cavalcavento e di Urza e inizia quella del mondo di Otaria.
Gli altri titoli non so ancora dove si collocano. Alcuni credo siano precedenti altri invece sono storie parallele a quella principale.
Appena ho un po' di tempo proverò a cercarli da qualche parte.

00lunedì 15 settembre 2003 23:41
Ma qualche casa editrice che si prende la briga di tradurli in italiano e stamparli non esiste?
In fondo l'Armenia invece di mandar fuori quei 300 titoli all'anno su Drizzt potrebbe dar spazio anche alla narrativa riguardante Magic,il suo successo lo troverebbe![SM=x77401]

[Modificato da ZoddTheImmortal 15/09/2003 23.42]

00giovedì 2 ottobre 2003 15:26
Ho letto qualcosina di quei romanzi... pessimi.
Mal scritti, banali, senza senso.
"Lord of the pit" che ogni volta che massacra un po di esercito nemico si fa una scorpacciata del proprio... bho per me una cazzata. Vale sempre però il "de gustibus".
Sciocchi! Siete come creta nelle mie mani...

[Modificato da 0beron 02/10/2003 15.27]

00mercoledì 10 dicembre 2003 00:45
Ho scoperto che la Guerra dei Fratelli (brother's war) è stato stampato (e recentemente ristampato) dall'Armenia.
Il motivo per cui gli altri non sono mai stati stampati è tutt'ora ignoto (anche se si suppone - quasi per certo - che non abbia venduto molto).

Io nel frattempo me li sto facendo procurare fino ad Apocalisse in inglese.
Quando mi arriveranno e li avrò letti vi faccio una recensione.
00giovedì 17 marzo 2005 00:16
Tra le prossime uscite dell'Armenia sono previsti anche dei libri di Magic, per l'esattezza il primo volume sarà:

Titolo: Il fuorilegge - Il ciclo di Kamigawa - Magic The Gathering Vol. 1
Data di uscita: Giugno
Autore: Scott McGough
Prezzo previsto: 9.50 euro
Anticipazioni sulla trama:
In un mondo dove regna l’onore, si sta tramando nell’ombra una sanguinosa guerra. Mirchiko, la figlia di Konda, signore della guerra, deve lasciare la fortezza paterna per consultare i santi monaci e gli orochi, un popolo-serpente in contatto con il mondo dello spirito, per capire quali mosse siano consigliabili…

Peccato che non traducano i testi delle espansioni più datate anzichè le ultime, in ogni caso auguro una buona lettura a chi deciderà di leggerseli![SM=x77419]

00giovedì 17 marzo 2005 00:20
Invece di pubblicare la roba seria (o ristampare l'unico libro pubblicato su magic finora...è un anno che lo aspetto) pubblicano i romanzi delle nuove espansioni.
00venerdì 15 aprile 2005 16:11

Scritto da: DiablotheTremere 17/03/2005 0.20
Invece di pubblicare la roba seria (o ristampare l'unico libro pubblicato su magic finora...è un anno che lo aspetto) pubblicano i romanzi delle nuove espansioni.

io un paio in inglese me li ero sparati querlli del ciclo di odissea,niente male soprattutto quello d torment..

per "la guerra dei fratelli" se farai il bravo potrei anche passartelo..[SM=x77419]
00martedì 21 giugno 2005 16:58
Scusate sono un appassionato di magic anche dal punto di vista narrativo, vorrei sapere cosa è successo durante e dopo l'apocalisse
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